Teach Us to Pray

Scripture: Matthew 6:5-13As we begin our exploration of the prayer taught to us by Jesus, we pause to wonder what prayer is, and the gifts we carry that allow us to participate in it.

What We Do: Practice

Scripture: James 1:17-27The letter of James invites us to be “doers of the word.” This means that we will have to practice embodying our faith/ What should we practice in the year to come?

Armor and Chains

Scripture: Ephesians 6:10-20When there is so much that can tempt us to shield ourselves and those we love from pain, or change, or conflict… how do we instead follow God’s path which invites us to radical connection, community, and even vulnerability?

Making a Meal of Wisdom and Love

Scripture: John 6:51-58, Proverbs 9:1-6Jesus tells followers to eat and drink from his body and blood. The disciples say, “This teaching is too dificult,” and we might agree. But is there in this strange meal an inviation to know Christ and one another more deeply? How have God—and others—fed us in ways that carry the … Read more