The Prayer Shawl Ministry
The Prayer Shawl Ministry meets once a week on Tuesday afternoons from 12:00 – 2:00 PM in the Classroom. Members knit shawls and lap rugs that can be distributed by members and friends of the congregation to anyone who may need a sign of compassion and love in a difficult time. The handiwork of the knitters is blessed during worship. Each piece comes with a prayer attached. People of all knitting abilities are welcome, even beginners. There are enough experienced knitters to help teach the craft. If you are interested in Prayer Shawl Ministry, contact Carrie Penrose at 415-5513
The Men’s Breakfast Group
This group meets on the first Saturday of the month from 8:30 to 9:30 AM. Volunteers come early to prepare the breakfast, usually eggs, bacon, sausage, fruit and pastries. There is no set agenda and the conversations are open and free flowing. The point is to build relationships between the participants, some who are regulars and others who come as they can. A free will offering is taken to defray the cost of food. For more information, contact John Bischof at 781-2391.
The Women’s Breakfast Group
The Women’s Breakfast meets on the third Wednesday of the month from 8:30 to 9:30 AM. Volunteers take turns hosting and organizing, and participants bring dishes to share. For more information, contact Deb Gray.
Centering Prayer
The Centering Prayer group meets each Wednesday morning from 10:00 – 11:00 AM. The group meditates for about 20 minutes and then spends time in sharing reflections. Participants share facilitation and offer a variety of topics to focus the meditation for the group. Novices and those experienced are welcome. Contact Judy Coburn at 846-9611.
Adult Faith Formation
There are ongoing opportunities for adult faith formation through book and bible studies during the year. Seasonally, there are a wide variety of formation classes offered at 6:30pm on Wednesdays, immediately after Evening Prayer. Contact the church office for more information.
Tuesday Morning Study Group
A weekly gathering to discuss a wide variety of readings: spiritual biographies, theology and devotional readings, biblical books, and novels.
Monthly Book Club
A monthly book group, usually discussing novels, which meets on the third Wednesday of the month from 4:00 – 5:00 PM in our classroom. For more information, contact Mimi Hinkel.
The Christmas Fair
Each year, Foreside runs a Christmas Fair on the first Saturday in December. Work begins as early as July in small groups working on crafts and planning for the big event is a true community builder and elves come in all ages and abilities. Contact Carol Ward at 781-7153.
In addition to these groups, others are generated as interests arise. Feel free to start your own!