Love Songs
The curious case of the love poems that ended up in the Bible reminds us that love is holy, and asks us to be transformed by sharing in it with one another.
The curious case of the love poems that ended up in the Bible reminds us that love is holy, and asks us to be transformed by sharing in it with one another.
The Letter too the Ephesians reimagines (and satirizes) the armor of the Roman military for the living of faithful struggle for the church. In our lives—in our public life—are we dressing up to project power and invincibility, or compassion and connection in the way of Jesus?
The letter to the Ephesians offers advice for the living of challenging days about drinking wine… but it may not be about wine exactly, but about seeing clearly and avoiding the traps of despair or apathy. In a week in which we have faced hard news about the state of the world’s changing climate, we … Read more
The letter to the Ephesians goes on to ask the community to think about how its speech and relationship “builds up” the Body of Christ. In all of our myriad ways of communicating in our world, how can we be thoughtful about the modes, means, and message we communicate in, as we seek to build … Read more
The letter to the Ephesians asks the newly forming (and re-forming) church to “grow up” into the full maturity of Christ. How is this different from all of the ways we used to be told to grow up as young people? From the wary ways we view age in our culture? And… how do we … Read more