Lost and Found

Scripture: Matthew 10:24-39Jesus warns his disciples of some of the costs of following him. Along the way, he sounds unkind to family, but he may be inviting us to see all those—related and unrelated—who nurture and nourish God’s call to us, and encourage us to risk ourselves in the struggle for a more just world.

Laughing Into Life

Scripture: Genesis 18:1-15, 21:1-6As Abraham and Sarah receive unexpected news and blessing of new life… Sarah laughs. As daily visitations from God, as new expressions of life and love come to us, do we laugh, or do we fear? This Pride month, as there are many signs that some are turning to fear, how can … Read more

The Curriculum

Scripture: Matthew 9:35-10:8We celebrate with graduates and students at the conclusion of the school year. As Jesus “graduates” disciples into his ministry, he sends them with an important “why” behind everything they do, with particular things to do, and with places to go. How can we, like those first disciples be moved by Jesus’s compassion … Read more

Creating the Order of Days

Scripture: Genesis 1:1-2:4aWhat can the first creation story of Genesis help us understand about the interdependence and interconnectedness of all life? On the sometimes mysterious holy day of Trinity Sunday, how might that web and community of life help us to understand God’s pattern of community, connection, and care?