Wait with Hope: Beginnings

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 1:3-9 We begin again in Advent, with the joy and blessing of new life in baptism with our neighbors, and with the hard a difficult work of releasing what has been, to move into a new tomorrow with Christ, and with others who challenge and stretch us to grow in faith.

The Source of Gifts

Scripture: Deuteronomy 8:7-18 In times of abundance—and in times of scarcity—how do we train ourselves to look “upstream” to find the source of all our gifts… even those we are most missing now?

History Rhymes ’til Freedom Rings

Scripture: Joshua 3:7-17 As the people of Israel cross over into the promised land in the Book of Joshua, they are reminded of the crossing to freedom… and we are invited to remember that God is not on our side but the side of liberation.

The Light to See

Scripture: Matthew 5:1-12 As we remember saints from our lives who have helped us to see and know God, we are reminded by Jesus of the blessings of God: seeing and recognizing those who have for too long been unseen.