Loving People We Don’t Like

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 13The Rev. Cheryl Anderson joins us, and invites us to join with the church of Corinth in the important practices of attention and love which can draw us deeper into relationship with God, even with those with whom we disagree the most.

The First Signs

Scripture: John 2:1-11The Rev. Joan Murray reads and responds to a sermon from Pastor Geoff… When Jesus starts his ministry with a miracle at a wedding, is it small or frivolous in comparison with the problems of the world? Maybe it’s meaningful to see God’s salvation start to work itself out in everyday celebrations and … Read more

The Glad River

Scripture: Psalm 46, Revelation 22:1-5Our own Rev. James Gertmenian shares with us news of the glad river of faith which flows beneath our feet and can sustain us on the way of justice. How can we keep from singing?

The Selfish Giant

On Transfiguration Sunday, we share in a special reading of The Selfish Giant, written by Oscar Wilde, read by The Rev. James Gertmenian, and accompanied by David Bartoletti.