As Any Have Need

Scripture: Acts 2:42-47The early followers of Jesus begin their lives together by sharing all they have with each other… how can we be invited into a deeper sharing, or the realization that all we have in this creation is already shared, and we must learn to treat each other that way?

Promise Broken and Kept

Scripture: Acts 2:14a, 36-41As the early followers of the Way of Jesus begin their public ministry, Peter preaches to the citizens of Jerusalem. His speech is convicting, but also told from his own experience of having failed along the way… in the complexity of our modern lives, how do we take hope when we have … Read more

Upper Room Stories

Scripture: John 20:19-29The Rev. James Gertmenian joins us, inviting us into “Upper Room Stories” in the unsettled times after Jesus’s resurrection. Into these times, Jesus comes to offer peace… but a new and different peace that makes a claim on all of us who receive it.