Profits and Forfeits

Scripture: Mark 8:31-38 Alongside with the disciples, we wrestle with Jesus’s teaching to take up our cross. How can a symbol of suffering be transformed by a beloved community that refuses to leave each other alone in that suffering?

On Future Floods

Scripture: Genesis 9:8-17 With Noah, we find God’s covenant with creation after the flood calls us to a new understanding of God’s work in creation. We receive assurance that when the “floods” of life come again… that God is not in the flood, but in the rainbow hope that they will subside, and life will … Read more

Called to Pass On

Scripture: 2 Kings 2:1-12 As the prophet Elijah departs, he and his apprentice, Elisha, must face up to the sorrow of their parting. Can we face our own fragility and mortality, that we can pass our power and our wisdom on to others?

Called to Renew

Scripture: Mark 1:29-39 Jesus offers an “in home” healing, which in a time when so many feel isolated—either in illness, or in the time of precautions against illness—may remind us how to offer presence and “life one another up.”