Love Be Our Song

Scripture: Luke 1:39-55The story of the cousins Mary and Elizabeth and their wonder-filled meeting, both pregnant under unusual circumstances, unfolds in song. (Which will become Ave Maria and The Magnificat.) Their songs, filled with wonder and prophecy are anthems of hope and liberation. How can we learn from them, and learn that singing is a … Read more

Drawing Up Joy

Scripture: Isaiah 12:2-6, Philippians 4:4-7Joy, maybe unlike happiness, is a practice of meaning-making and resilience. It is not a passive gift but an active verb that requires effort to cultivate, especially in challenging times. By drawing joy from “wells of salvation” and embracing that holy. work, can we become sources of hope, peace, love, and … Read more

Desire of Nations

Scripture: Luke 1:68-79The priest Zechariah sings a song of praise at the birth of his son, who will become John the Baptist. Like many of us, he looks for good news for his people and his nation. But, since God arrives and moves in the lives of children in these stories of Jesus’s Advent… perhaps … Read more

Waiting on the World

Scripture: Luke 21:25-36As we begin the season of Advent: in which we wait with our ancestors and look for Christ’s coming into the world… we hear from Jesus himself. As an apocalyptic preacher, he shares with us news of a world ending… but we are to look for signs of a new world… not the … Read more

The Ways of Water

Scripture: Psalm 126The Psalm points us to a desert region in which water will yet flow again with God’s help. When we experience grief and dry times, how do we create new topographies of grace in which even the smallest streams of life may flow? How can we use our own desert experiences to bring … Read more