How are we One? Belonging

Scripture: Galatians 3:23-29As we welcome new members and bsptize children into the life of the church, we listen for the sound of an ancient creed woven into the letter to the Galatians. Here, we find an invitation to a community of belonging before believing. How can baptism move us closer to oneness with each other, … Read more

Hearing Wisdom

Scripture: Proverbs 8:1-4, 22-31 How do we listen to Wisdom? As Proverbs invites us to hear her at the crossroads of life, and in the workings of creation, how can we challenge ourselves—and our faith—not to reject transformation and growth, but to incorporate them into a greater wisdom?

What to Read? Bible and Word

How do we make sense of our Bible? It is available almost everywhere, but too often we find that there are those who read out of it words that harm abundant life. The prophet Isaiah and a writer of the early church invite us to find in scripture that which gives life and builds up. … Read more

What is this Meal? Sharing Life

We spend time thinking about the meaning and power of the holy meal we share in communion, and hear from an ancient church where the meal has gone awry. How does the broken bread—and the Christ who shares it with us—teach us to share not just the table’s gifts… but all of life?

Jesus and God? Cosmic and Crucified Christ

Scripture: Colossians 1:11-20An ancient letter invites the church to find oneness in Christ, a presence that has been and is in all creation. How does this cosmic story of God’s connection touch the human stories we tell about Jesus, the stories and challenges of our own lives? Can we find in one another that which … Read more