Crossing Change

Scripture: 2 Kings 2:1-2, 6-14 Two prophets who have walked together, Elijah and Elisha, must part. Before they do, they take time to recognize the mentorship and guidance which has taken place, and seek a blessing. In changing times, we look for those who have mentored us, and how we may mentor others, acknowledge the fast … Read more

Wisdom at the Crossroads

Scripture: Proverbs 8:1-4, 22-31 We meet a woman called Wisdom, who tells a story of creation in the book of Proverbs. In her presence at the crossroads of life, and in the creation of all things, we are invited to become wise as well: delighting in creation and humanity. In a time when we are … Read more

Pentecost – New Language

Scriptures: Acts 2:1-21, Genesis 11:1-9 As we celebrate the new languages of the Spirit we learn from all our generations at the end of the church school year, we listen to two very different stories about language… about our desire for same-ness that can threaten to wall us in, and God’s multiplicity of language that can … Read more

New One-ness

Scripture: John 17:20-26 Jesus prays for his disciples (and those who will come after them) to be one, so we ponder, in an age where “thoughts and prayers” can become code for easy well-wishes, what it means to pray… and what it means to be one. Download text here: 2019-06-02

New Freedom

Scripture: Acts 16:16-34 The Apostle Paul and Silas encounter a young woman caught in slavery, in profit others can gain from her… Their response is less than perfect, but the story that unfolds continues to teach them, and us, how love and liberation work together. Download 5/26/19 text here.