Jesus and God? Cosmic and Crucified Christ

Scripture: Colossians 1:11-20An ancient letter invites the church to find oneness in Christ, a presence that has been and is in all creation. How does this cosmic story of God’s connection touch the human stories we tell about Jesus, the stories and challenges of our own lives? Can we find in one another that which … Read more

Searched and Searching

Scripture: Luke 15:1-10Some religious leaders are certain who Jesus should and shouldn’t be associated with. Jesus responds by telling of a God who is always searching for us. How are we searching for God in these times? In the questions and mysteries of our lives, how are we encountering that God who longs to find … Read more

Created for Re-Creation

Scripture: Jeremiah 18:1-11, Psalm 139God shows the prophet Jeremiah a vision of a potter at work. Like the people of that time, we can often fear the pattern of shaping, and re-shaping… un-forming, and re-forming. Yet we are promised by the psalmist the love of God which has dreamed a form for us before we … Read more

Messiah’s Etiquette

Scripture: Luke 14:1, 7-14At a dinner party, Jesus takes note of those who are striving for position and power. He teaches those gathered—and us, through the years—that welcome and generosity should not be used for self-serving aims, but to liberate us from systems and structures which would declare who is “worthy” of welcome.

Rest to Rebuild

The prophet Isaiah speaks to a people sure that they are following the “rules” on the sabbath as they have received them from God, but perhaps not the invitation to deeper understanding and living. How can we align our intentions, and not just our actions, for the coming of a more just world?