Joy to All (Christmas Eve)

On Christmas Eve, we come together to tell the story of God’s love which has come to dwell in us and all things through Lessons and Carols… but we begin the story—very small—and hope to grow that spark of love.

Songs of Earth

Scripture: Luke 1:46-55 On our Music Sunday, we heard Britten’s Ceremony of Carols, and Mary’s song of revolution and restoration at the news of her child to come. Download text here: 2019-12-22

Repeating Joy

Scripture: Isaiah 35:1-10 As the prophet reminds us to strengthen one another with good news, we give thanks for the ways in which our children and our pageant characters embody joy, and love, for us… helping to make God’s presence real before us, and calling us to echo that presence for others.

Room in the Heart

Scripture: Matthew 3:1-12 John the Baptist calls us to prepare for the coming of the Christ, turning around, and perhaps making room in our lives for the reality of God’s presence in all creation, and sometimes most difficult, in ourselves. Download text here: 2019-12-08

Joy to All Creation

Scripture: Isaiah 11:1-10 The prophet Isaiah tells of the coming of a messiah that will transform all creation… In this season in which we celebrate Christ’s coming, can we imagine God’s incarnation in all things, and join with those “fields and floods, rocks, hills and plains” in repeating the sounding joy? Download text here: 2019-12-01