Walking Through Holy Week: Palm Sunday

Jesus enters Jerusalem and shows us the uncertain and unsettled ways in a life can change in a week. Through his journey, and the ways in which our ancestors invite us to retell it each year, how might we learn to face that uncertain and painful path… trusting that God’s power and presence transform the … Read more

Retelling Ourselves: New Creation

Scripture: 2 Corinthians 5:16-21 The Apostle Paul, in a time of conflict, writes of the hope of a new creation in which all are reconciled to one another and to God. How do we join that “ministry of reconciliation?” Could the answer be in finding the possibility of resurrection in each of us?

Retelling Ourselves: In the Body

Mary, a dear friend of Jesus, pours out a gift of anointing upon him one night at dinner. In an intimate story of touch, an invitation unfolds: to know the holiness, honor, fragility, and sorrow that is carried in the experience of the body. And then, a question arises: how does this story of the … Read more

Retelling Ourselves: Welcome Home

Scripture: Luke 15: 1-3, 11-32 To practice ways of “re-telling” stories to deepen our understanding, we explore the parable that has been known as “The Prodigal Son”… by recognizing that Jesus taught it to speak to “The Proper Son.” What greater generosity might be there within this story for that lesser known character, for us, … Read more

Re-telling Ourselves: Beginning in Promise

Scripture: Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18 Abraham boldly sets out to a new life, with a new name, in a new place… he does so grounded in the promise of God. How do we ground ourselves… find ourselves… in promises that can make us brave enough to step out towards a new, more whole, more loving, life … Read more