The Long or Short Way ‘Round

Scripture: Isaiah 40:1-11The prophets tell us of a time when all will be welcomed to the fullness of home… when all the paths that lead to love will feel short and easy to find. How do we find these paths through life now, and even better, prepare the way for others deeper into the welcome … Read more

The Shifting Stars – Advent Hope

Scripture: Mark 13:24-37Jesus tells of a “revealing:” the world remade so fully that even the stars are shifted in their orbits. In times of disorientation, when the ways we navigate our lives are broken, how do we find our way to the heart of God? In this Advent season, we watch and wait trusting in … Read more

The Thirsty King

Scripture: Matthew 25:31-46Jesus invites us to find the very presence of God in the face of the thirsty and hungry… and hence, into building God’s coming reign through “the next right thing.”

The Work that Works On Us

Scripture: Amos 5:18-24The prophet Amos challenges us to ask, what is changed in our worship? If we are not changed, are not invited to live out God’s justice, is it worship? How does that justice which rolls down like waters shape and reshape us through all the years?

Saints, Blessed and Broken

Scripture: Matthew 5:1-12As Jesus declares blessing over categories of folk who have known sorrow and challenge, we see in the saints of our lives the gift of those who find in their own pain or grief the calling to deeper love, connection, and hope.