Wait with Peace: Beyond Zero

Scripture: Isaiah 40:1-11 Isaiah tells of God’s coming reign of peace… a leveling of mountains and valleys. Too often, our own sense of peace comes from a vision of ourselves at the highest peaks over others… how are we being called to a new and level place with all?

Wait with Hope: Beginnings

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 1:3-9 We begin again in Advent, with the joy and blessing of new life in baptism with our neighbors, and with the hard a difficult work of releasing what has been, to move into a new tomorrow with Christ, and with others who challenge and stretch us to grow in faith.

The Source of Gifts

Scripture: Deuteronomy 8:7-18 In times of abundance—and in times of scarcity—how do we train ourselves to look “upstream” to find the source of all our gifts… even those we are most missing now?