History Rhymes ’til Freedom Rings

Scripture: Joshua 3:7-17 As the people of Israel cross over into the promised land in the Book of Joshua, they are reminded of the crossing to freedom… and we are invited to remember that God is not on our side but the side of liberation.

The Light to See

Scripture: Matthew 5:1-12 As we remember saints from our lives who have helped us to see and know God, we are reminded by Jesus of the blessings of God: seeing and recognizing those who have for too long been unseen.

The Greatest

Scripture: Matthew 22:34-46 Asked to choose the greatest commandment, Jesus invites those who would follow him into a deeper understanding of living well with God and with our neighbor, and out of divisions which have held us back before.

Food: Close to the Grain

Scripture: John 6:1-14 One of our youth asked to talk about how food played a part in the lives of our biblical ancestors, so we spend some time with a famous meal that Jesus shared… marveling not at what might miraculous, but what be so ordinary as to be a miracle.


Scripture: Isaiah 25:1-9 In a time when we are often “sheltering at home,” it is important for us to recognize the painful realities of homes which are not a shelter, especially for those who are experiencing domestic or intimate partner violence. The prophet Isaiah tells of the day of God’s redeeming love when those who … Read more